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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Dominica Style

Iguana 967 on campus. They all have numbers painted on them because they are endangered and this is how they keep track of them.

I have decided that Wednesdays are my busy days. I always feel like I'm running here and there all day. I love it though. This is because it is my yoga day. I am going to start going on Mondays too. I was planning to from the beginning, but it hasn't worked out yet. I just love how it makes me feel.

Johnny in his usual spot, Classroom 5.

Johnny is still plugging away. He thinks he did well on his first ever Mini. Ross sends out the questions the day after the Mini so you can figure out a preliminary score. He figured his average would be a B. It may come out differently because Ross will take out some of the questions from the actual grade, but it should be about the same.

This is so Dominica!!! He is carrying two logs on his head!

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