Two birds of a feather

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

24 weeks down!

What I'm feeling

  1. Sick, I woke up a yesterday with a soar throat, yuck!
  2. Tired as always.
  3. Excited to go home.
  4. Not excited about going home.
  5. Like I'm really big. I feel like she must have double in size in the last few days, my belly feels heavy.


  1. look at that belly!!! :) you look great! i love it!

  2. You woke up sick? Bummer! Excited to go home but not? My belly feels heavy when I've either 1. eaten too much or 2. eaten too much junk. What have you been eating?

    Or she really did drop lower and grow bigger over night! It happens...

    Cute picture! You're so stinkin' tan!


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