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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Baby Poll

So I have had a lot of different opinions on what sex the baby is. I get "Your going to have a girl because the way you are carrying the baby." But then some one will say "Your carrying that baby long ways, defiantly a boy." I have also been told if your having a girl you will crave salty things and then some one else will say the same thing about boys. So now its your turn to speculate. So let me know what you think.


  1. Wives tales are just that..tales. They are fun though, and it's fun to guess.
    I was positive kyra was a boy at first. With Ethan I've been way more emotional. Funny how that works.
    I'm excited to find out what you're having.
    Can't help but think you'll have a girl. ehhe

  2. ohhhh I'm so excited to guess- I say boy- just a gut feeling ;)

  3. cute cute cute. i guessed boy originally, but now i think girl... it's so exciting waiting to see huh?! :)


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