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Friday, February 25, 2011

Rituals and the girls

So I don't go to Rituals (a cafe' type place) very often, maybe twice a semester and I have gone twice in the last two days and I blame it on the weather. On Wednesday Julianne invited me to the pool, but it was to windy so we went to Rituals and talked about baby stuff. She has a new born here so I had a lot of questions for her. Then yesterday, my girls and I were planning to go on a little trip to a hot spring nearby, but it was rainy, so again we went to Rituals. After enjoying our goodies (I had hot chocolate and a chocolate croissant) we still wanted to do something so we went to PBH and enjoyed the roll of the waves and some drinks and french fries.
I have been really enjoying this semester and I have to say its all because of the wonderful girls here. I have felt a little left out the first couple of semesters and now I don't. It does wonders for my spirit. So thank you girls, you know who you are!


  1. hooray! i am so happy you found a new set of friends... although i am so sad i can't hang out too! :) have you been back to the secret hot springs since i showed you where they were? :) so fuN!

  2. Enjoy it! That is one of the best things about Dominica and one of the hardest things about being back in the states is not having that network where everybody is always doing things with each other. And good job not going to Rituals so much- trust me, when you hit 4th semester you will be so sick of the food you will be going there a lot more often!


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