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Friday, February 4, 2011

Trying to catch up on life!

Oh my it has been awhile. It has been so busy here since I'm been feeling better. I feel like everyday I am out doing something.
So I am so happy to be past the first trimester. Lets just say it wasn't so fun. I was sick and super tired. I felt like just being in bed all the time, and most of the time I was. But now I'm doing a lot better. I get sick randomly, but most the time I'm feeling fine. I am super tired still, but I think that is because I'm having a really hard time sleeping. I can't seem to get comfy laying on my sides. It is worth it though. I can't wait until I can start feeling the baby move!
A couple weeks ago I went to Batibou beach with the girls. It was so much fun and very relaxing. the weather here has been beautiful. Not to hot, but still warm enough to get in the water.
I have been spending a lot of time with the girls. We have been super active this semester. I don't know what has gotten into us, but I feel like we hang out three times a week or more. A few weeks ago we did a progressive dinner and after we went for a night swim. I really had not laughed so hard in a very long time. SO MUCH FUN!!!
Last weekend Johnny took the day off from studying and we went to Red Rock for lunch and then a nice long swim. The one plus side of Johnny having to do 2nd semester again is he is a little more relaxed. Don't get me wrong he still studies ALL day, but he is more chill. He will come home at dinner time instead of staying at school and he will take time off to watch a show or do something with me!
Last night was another night out with the girls. We went to Cabrits Cafe to watch the sun set. It was so beautiful with all the ships in port. We also ran into a great Dominican man that brought out the Micheal Jackson music and danced for us. It was great entertainment. After that some of the girls went to dinner at PBH. I had a cheese burger and oh it hit the spot. I haven't had a good burger in awhile.

Today and last Friday I have been busy with In Light In. It is a Christian based volunteer group. We go and play with the local kids after school. They are such fun kids that are full of love. When they see us they run and give big hugs. I had my hair in a pony tail today and one of the girls couldn't believe how long my hair is so she had to play with it.
So as you can see tons of fun going on down here on the island!


  1. CUTE!! I'm so glad that you took a picture at 14 weeks. In the end, you'll be especially glad that you did. You look great, and your hair IS super long!!
    Glad you're over your first trimester too!! WAHOO!! And yes, all the sickness and feeling tired is oh so worth every second of it.
    GREAT pictures. What kind of camera do you have?
    SO glad that you get to spend more time with your husband. I don't know how you do it...I must be way too needy and clingy because that would be so hard for me. I guess sometimes you just do what you gotta do, right?
    Way to go on being more active!!

  2. Awww, what a fun post! I love it!! You look absolutely adorable and beautiful, pregnant mama!

    Also, I'm so glad you're having so much fun with your girlfriends! I LOVE me some girl time and don't get near enough of it lately.

    Beautiful pictures! You just look like you're living THE LIFE out there! And how nice that your hubby can relax a bit more this semester and spend more time with you.


  3. hooray! what a great time you're having! so happy to see you are feeling better and spending your time as busy as can be. you will treasure that when you leave the island. :) glad too, to hear that johnny is spending some more time with you since he is a bit more relaxed this time around.

    AND... your belly pic is the sweetest thing! you look great. keep taking those pics, they are SO much fun to look back on later. :) i miss you like crazy!

  4. yay! i love this post- first because you look adorable and second because the pictures look like paradise! :)


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