Happy Halloween! Well it wasn't the happiest day for me, but I get paid for working right? I was at work all day. I did dress up with my friend Chris from work. It made the day a little more fun. Chris was the cop, I was the robber. Oh and Jorge was an "under cover police".(This mad me laugh so hard!) I'm also very proud of my pumpkin that I carved.
Every day I get more excited about going to Miami! The land lord for the place we want to rent said we are the only people interested in the place and that he would call me if anybody else wants to rent it, so hopefully we have a good chance of getting it. Its been difficult to pack because we have to leave stuff out for the cold weather were having here and also try to keep the stuff we want to take when we go to Dominica in places we can get to them easily. Besides the fact that I got called in early to work everyday this week. I told myself that from now on I'm not going to go in early anymore. I hope I can be mean to others and keep my promise to myself. I want to get as much done now so that when Rachel has the baby we can go visit them.
I was thinking the last couple of days about how life works out. If I hadn't have had my miscarriage I would be delivering a baby this week. That would have put a damper on our present plans. It still makes me sad that I'm not going to be a mother in the next few days, but it will happen when the time is right for us.
I wanted to say thank you for all the prayers. They were all answered even though it wasn't what we expected. I love you all. We don't know how often we will be able to see all of you in the next few years, but I wanted you to know that I think of you often. Remember to keep doing your blogs. It is so nice to hear from you guys! I told you I'd nag.
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