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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, May 24, 2010

"Four day Weekend"

Johnny had a four day weekend. He didn't treat it as such though. He was at school all day Friday and all day today. We did go to Toucri Bay on Saturday. It was gorgeous!! Sorry for the lack of pictures, but we forgot the camera. We didn't see much, but we found some sand dollars and a really pretty conch shell that we brought home with us. I want to fill our ledge on our balcony with shells while we are here I'm doing pretty well with it. I'll have to post a picture. I'm also very proud of my balcany garden. My peas are doing very well. I hope I can keep them going. I tried moving two of them around cause I planted them to close together. I checked them today and they were dead. The others are still going strong. I am hoping for a little crop of perfect peas. The basil is growing like a weed. I am sure I will have plenty of basil.
Sunday was the LOST series fanaly. The Taylors invited us for dinner and to watch it at their home. We had a great time. I feel like we have not spent a lot of time with them since we got here and I miss seeing them. It was so much fun to play hide and seek with Matt and Rachel and to get to talk with Katie and Dave.
So that was our four day weekend. Not to exciting. I did get to talk to my mom which was AWESOME!!!! I tried talking with her one day last week, but she was busy with dinner. I had my first break down. (Break downs I hear are very common around the student body.)I cried cause I just wanted to talk to my mommy! I have always been able to just pick up the phone and call and I can't do that now. WWWWAAAAAAAA....sniff....sniff.....

1 comment:

  1. awww, your first breakdown? You sweet thing - I'm sorry! I'd FOR SURE have lots of them if I were in your situation as well. It sounds like it's great in so many ways and sometimes bitter-sweet. Miss you, Tracy Girl! :)


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