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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, May 10, 2010

The love of my life is going to be a doctor!

Johnny started school today. I had to go peek in his classroom to see him, but couldn't find him. I know I am going to miss him. During MERP I felt like I never saw him even though we were in the same room with each other. I will have stuff to do though. I went this morning to the Ross Spouses Organization Board Meeting to see if I could get on it and I did. I am the Special Activities coordinator, so I will be in charge of the Farewell Banquet and the summer fun day thing. (They had a name for it but I can't remember it.) I am so excited about doing it.
Saturday Johnny and I went out to get somethings done and we ended up investing some money in really nice snorkeling masks. We also bought an underwater camera from a family in the branch. So of course we had to go out and snorkel. We saw a whole bunch of cool stuff; a sea slug, three different types of eels, a lot of new types of fish, starfish, a lobster, and a sting ray. We took pictures, but most of them were blurry. We are still getting to technique down. We were out for about 2 1/2 hours. Our new masks are so awesome. What a difference not having to empty your masks of water makes.
The sting ray is in the bottom middle of the picture, sorry its hard to see. He was so big!!! It was really creepy to see, but I didn't want to leave. I just wanted to watch it. It was so cool!


  1. i love it! sorry the pics were blurry- the ones I saw look great- BUT it does take a minute to adjust to it :) I'm so happy for you to start this GREAT time in your life!

  2. yay! i found your blog through the frederick's. :) glad to see how much fun you have been having. and thanks for taking care of my boys every time i see you. :)


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