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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Time flies when.....

you are busy. I feel bad I haven't written in almost a week. The beginning of the week was pretty normal, but by Wednesday I was a busy little bee. I went to my first Specialized Patient meeting, then it was off to the pool, then I did yoga for and hour and a half. I came home thinking I would relax for the evening then got a text reminding me of bible study. Thursday I went to Batabou bay with some friends and had a great time. when I got home I wasn't feeling to good but still had to run some errands for Johnny. He better know I love him. On Friday I kinda just sat around cause I still wasn't feeling very well. Yesterday I went to Sari Sari Falls. It was great to go and see more of the island. It was absolutely gorgeous!! It was a pretty hard hike and I am very soar now, but it was worth it. when I got home Johnny wanted to go out snorkeling. I was tired, but went anyway. It was really choppy out on the water, but that brought out all the fish! We even saw a pod of squid! Now I'm pooped and I want to get my nap on before I have to cook dinner. So enjoy the pictures!
Batibou Bay
Raylee and Carter

Sari Sari Falls

1 comment:

  1. Sounds fun! What bible study are you going to? I'd love to know.


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